The dashboard includes all your active assignments. It helps you get an overview of all the assignments given to your students and it will show you where your action is needed. Click on → Assignments to get to your active dashboard.
Editing an assignment in the active dashboard
By clicking on → Edit, you can change the content of your assignment (e.g., add a video, change the name of the assignment or the description).
The → Release settings will allow you to:
- release the assignment (if you have not done that yet),
- change the deadline or the extended deadline for the assignment.
→ Copy
You can copy the assignment in case you want to e.g. use the same assignment for a different class.
→ Archive
You can organise your dashboard by moving an assignment that is not relevant anymore to the Archive.
→ Delete:
The assignment will be deleted from your dashboard; however, the assignment will still be found in your library. If you delete an assignment, the students will not see the assignment on their dashboard anymore.
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