The resubmission will allow your students to work with their corrections and rewrite their first text. That way, they can optimally learn from your feedback and apply your corrections to their text.
Allowing resubmission
If you would like to allow your students to hand in a second text after they have seen the correction of their first version, you need to enable the → Resubmission under the → Release Settings of an assignment.
There are two ways to enable the resubmission:
- Option: You can add the resubmission when creating and releasing an assignment to your students in your Private Library.
- Option: You can change the settings of a released assignment on your Dashboard by clicking on → Edit and → Release settings.
In both cases, click on → Add under Resubmission in the Release Assignment Settings. Decide on the deadline and the grading system for the second hand-in and either click on→ Release (1. Option) or → Save (2. Option).
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