This section will help you create and preview a report.
Follow the video or see step-by-step screenshots below.
Once you've finished providing feedback to an assignment, you can create and visualise a report that summarises all the comments you've given. This will generate a link at the end of the document from which the student and you will be able to see an overview of the feedback, including the frequency of your comments and the ability to download the report as PDF.
An example of a report can be found below:
Video Tutorial
1. Find and click the 'Report' icon at the bottom of the Edword Add-in.
2. The following screen appears. Fill in different sections:
- Headline: This is section will be shown at the beginning of the report and is used to provide a title to it, perhaps the title of the assignment.
- Sum up: This section comprises the body of your feedback, here you can write overall remarks.
- Grade: You can fill this section with the final grade for the assignment.
- Note: These sections are all optional. To disable them simply uncheck the boxes next to each section.
3. Once that is done you can click on the 'Preview' button.
4. Finish the report by clicking 'Insert'. This will automatically add a comment at the end of the document with a link to the final report.
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